From ancestors to descendants

From ancestors to descendants

At the initiative of the National Museum in Belgrade and the manifestation “Museums of Serbia, from 10 to 10”, the Cultural Element organised another musical evening at the Museum of Vuk and Dositej. In accordance with the activities of Vuk and Dositej, preserving and cultivating folk language and heritage we presented young artists, students of the Mokranjac Music School, specialising in performing traditional Serbian music. The performance itself was complemented with vivid costumes and traditional folk costume that all members of the ensemble were wearing, but also an inspiring story about tradition, old times, language and customs that were told and explained by prof. Branko Tadić, ethnomusicologist and head of the department. The focus was on songs from Kosovo and Metohija, as well as numerous songs from Western, Eastern Serbia and Bosnia, so the audience was able to get to know the rich Serbian tradition and songs that were preserved for centuries as a heritage from the line of our ancestors. All along the concert, the audience cheered young artists with a big applause, and we were especially pleased that the audience had a lot of kids who accompanied the same performance with equal care. Creating such programs, the “Cultural Element” hopes to create a future in which we will all love, appreciate and know our tradition.

ЛокацијаМузеј Вука и Доситеја
Датум19. мај 2017. у 19 часова
ЕдицијаСарадња са Народним музејем
ИзвођачиУченици Одсека за српско традиционално певање и свирање у МШ “Мокрањац” Тијана Николић, Тамара Ковачевић, Исидора Арсић, Валентина Вукчевић, Александра Зоговић, Софија Вукашин из класе проф. Бранка Тадћа, проф. Наташе Михаљинац и проф. Милице Ђорђевић Андреј Лукман, Павле Вукићевић, Михајло Ненадић, Филип Милосављевић, кавалисти из класе проф. Милоша Николића
Фотографије Дина Чубриловић
Дизајн плаката и програмаВук Бабовић