Friction of a soul

Friction of a soul

Within the framework of the new cooperation with the Cultural Center “House of King Peter I”, the Cultural Element organised a concert of the music ensemble “Отрочента”. The concert, which we named Friction of a soul, was held on Saturday, August 20, 2016, at 8 PM, at the House of King Peter I. Despite the debates about the homeland of the old Slavs, the threads of their intangible cultural heritage are being recognised even nowadays. Not contemplating today’s borders and newly born states and republics, the traces of this undiscovered homeland and that specific “Slovene weaving” were preserved through legends, music, the cult of the family tree … Everything threatened to make every trace of this rich tradition disappear, but that tiny part of the soul, passing from our ancestors to our descendants, resisted to vanish into thin air. With the desire to preserve the magic connection of the homeland, in which “the poem is more loved than iron and war trumpets” we found the custodians of tradition, Slovenian children – the musical ensemble Отрочента. The concert was supported by Lidija Jakšić, on behalf of the House of King Peter I, a cultural center that preserves the tradition of our ancestors. Thanks to them, we managed to once again remind ourselves of the importance of Slovene tradition and culture, and with music we felt this (un)hidden friction of the soul, a tiny part of our ancestors, a tiny part of our past …

ЛокацијаМузеј града Београда Ресавска 40б
Датум20. август 2016. у 20 часова
фрулаБогдан Божић
гласСања Стевановић
гитара Александар Тодоров
тарабукаУрош Недић
ПрограмОј, додоле Гора Маријо, ћеро Густа ми магла Жали, Заре Синоћ сјала Ситан камен Дарови светог Јована Владимира Когда мы были на войне Там шли Катюша Коробейники Олег Казачьи лезгинки Мези хорами Там, на горі Гарний козак Маруся Хубава си, моя горо