Presentation of the BITEF publications

Presentation of the BITEF publications

The “Cultural Element” organisation designed and implemented, in cooperation with the BITEF festival, an action in which more than six hundred publications related to the BITEF festival has been donated to cultural institutions throughout the country. Among the approximately 30 institutions that received packages of publications as gifts were institutions of the greatest national importance, such as the National Library, the National Theatre of Belgrade, the Municipal Library of Belgrade, the University Library, numerous theatres, including Atelje 212, the Belgrade Drama Theatre, the Chamber Opera Madlenianum and educational institutions, the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of Belgrade, the Ballet School “Lujo Davičo”, Megatrend University, and many others. The ceremony of presentation of the publication set and signing of the Gift Charter took place on October 2, 2013. at the Cultural Institution “Parobrod”. The ceremony was attended by Jovan Ćirilov, founder and artistic director of the BITEF festival, Tadija Miletić, president of the “Cultural Element” organisation, Nada Jeftenić, PR, and Jelena Knežević, executive director of BITEF. On this occasion, the “Cultural Element” announced a series of new activities related to education and popularisation of culture and cultural values.

ЛокацијаУК “Пароброд”
Датум02. октобар 2013. године
Свечаности су присуствовали
оснивач и уметнички директор БИТЕФ фестивалаЈован Ћирилов
председник организације “Културни Елемент”Тадија Милетић
ПР организацијеНада Јефтенић
извршни директор БИТЕФаЈелена Кнежевић
УчеснициНародна Библиотека Србије
Библиотека града Београда
Универзитетска библиотека „Светозар Марковић“
Библиотека дома културе Студентски град
Народно позориште
Југословенско драмско
Београдско драмско
Факултет драмских уметности
Ректорат уметности
Британски културни центар
Француски културни центар
Немачки културни центар
Шпански културни центар
Јапански културни центар
Грчки културни центар
ФотографијеДејан Близањац